Building A Golden Trust

In the previous episode we looked at the need to know your partner better than anybody. (Making your partner your case study)….
Building on from there, one key thing that need to be considered in sustaining and building an inseparable relationship is TRUST.
“Trust is having confidence or faith in something/someone or it is the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others.” “`Both definitions will help us understand better what will be discussed.“`
Trust in relationship is not meant for only a partner but for both. You must both trust each other in every seemingly doubtful situations. *But how?
That is why it is first of all, necessary to know your partner. If you truly know your partner, it becomes easy to trust him/her. Another thing is, you must always make sure you are very truthful to your partner. Never lie, no matter how hurtful the truth can be. A wise man once said;
“A liar will not be believed even when he speaks the truth”- Aesop.
This goes a long way to tell you that, even among your friends, you shouldn’t be known as a liar. Always be truthful to your friends and partner. Again, to ensure that there is trust in the relationship, you must be seen as someone who is reliable, someone whose words and actions don’t contradict, someone whose integrity is not questionable, someone who is stable in his/her ways(stability of purpose). If you lack any of these, it will be very difficult for your partner to trust you.
?? Most people, if not all, live in a relationship without trusting their partners because of fear/insecurity. They are with the idea that the relationship may fail or he/she may be betrayed. The question then is, why did you enter the relationship at the place? The most stupid assertion is when one tries to avoid trusting a partner because of what had happened in another person’s relationship, forgetting that we all have different destiny and exams in life.
One key hindrance to building a trustworthy relationship is friends. They easily pollute your mind about your partner, giving you numerous evidence to believe them. Most of them are either jealous of your relationship or are seeking to take over after you. That is why it is key to know your partner. It is good to listen to your friend’s stories but make sure you ask your partner and never keep it in your mind or heart; it breeds hatred and distrust.
Once a friend of mine was told by someone that her boyfriend is a womanizer. She said nothing, all she did was to call her boyfriend and she related everything to him.
Was she stupid? *No*!!. That is the genesis of trust. The boy accepted he was a womanizer until he met her(being truthful in all situations ). Since she now knows his weakness, they worked at it and now, they are till happily in relationship because of the steps she took years back.
If your relationship will be sustained and meaningful, you must know your partner, you must trust your partner, you must always be truthful, you must be reliable and most importantly don’t work with your friend’s complaints and stories about your partner.
Learning must done always
