No relationship exists in isolation, therefore to sustain a relationship or to be successful in any relationship, you must know your partner or partners. Knowing your partner goes a long way to guide your actions and behavior. It makes you understand why certain things are how they are. Knowing you partner also gives you a clues as to what to expect and what not to expect. It protect your feelings.
Knowing your partner does not means knowing your partners background and family background only. The mistake most people do is that, they become too comfortable when they think they know much about their partners background, when they think they know when and what their partners do everyday. That is not enough.
Know your partner psychologically, emotionally, philosophically and if possible spiritually._ This entail you finding more about her birth month, day, date and her name. Read astrological works about her. Where most people don’t believe astrological works, trust me, it has a wealthy amount of facts in them. Aside that, make your partner a study case, ask her questions and try to read deep into her answers. Know what makes her happy or angry( not her likes and dislikes). Know the kind of ideology/ideologies your partner believes in. Know how she feels in every situation, read her moods in different situations. Know her spiritual life find out how she goes about it.
This becomes difficult if your partner hardly open up to your but you can get most information from your partner’s close friends or people he/she is always with. Most partners don’t like it when you are trying to find more about them without their knowledge so you must know how to go about it. Relationship becomes sustainable and healthy if you know each other. It becomes difficult for people to ruin the relationship, your relationship becomes practically inseparable.
So if you are interested in sustaining your relationship, get to work and know your partner.
